Authenticity or Do you believe what you are preaching




How many times you have heard that you need to be authentic to win the game of ‘’being you’’?


Do we really understand what authenticity means? I was and I am still struggling sometimes  with it….It’s a strong word but do we actually live it?


Going out there and trying to repeat what others are preaching, replicate successful strategies that worked for others, apply the best blueprints to achieve success seem to bring very limited results. You are not somebody, you have your unique way of doing things, your unique way of expression. NO matter how hard you try, you can’t replicate success of somebody, and why would you force yourself while some things are more natural to you than others.


I have confused originality with authenticity. It’s cool to be original and super creative, but it does not come to everyone easily and especially in the beginning of whatever you start journey.


You do not need to be original to be authentic. To be authentic is something different.


One of the definitions of authenticity is the quality of being real, true.


You can say what others are saying (they are sourcing ideas from the same books and teachings you do), but you need to believe in the concepts you are preaching. If you are trying to spread the most brilliant idea, but do not believe in it with every cell of your body people will sense ‘’I have a doubt’’ energy behind it.

Ideas you believe in, concepts that worked for you plus your unique voice, your unique way of expression and you have your authenticity formula.


Being authentic for me means not saying what sounds good, what sounds ‘’popular’’ or what others want to hear, but what sounds true to me. Being authentic for me means sharing my message and not being afraid to lose some of my followers who do not want to, do not resonate with or are not ready to hear the message.

Every human being is living his own perfect truth, going through his perfect evolution process. Mine truth is not better than yours. If what you believe is serving you to live your best version of life than you found yours:)


Be Raw.


Spread your message without ”they will like it better” filter. And you will find your followers, those who are meant to hear your message, who are meant to be part of your journey.

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