You came to this world to awaken to your great power…your infinite potential…
The only thing, which is required is to remember who you truly are…
But who you truly are?
My answer is you are All Things…
We often perceive that being powerful means to train our intellectual and emotional intelligence muscle to the point so that we never experience ‘’negative’’ experiences and emotions again; we never get upset, never get angry, jealous, sad…
Let me give you some relief…
Living in the human body means experiencing all kind of things. Living in the human body means ‘’balancing’’ between the worlds of joy and sadness, love and anger, fear and peace…
There are so many self-empowerment tools, which teach us how to shift our state of being, and move away from ”negative” experiences and emotions…create a different story, change perspective, make a positive affirmation, apply willpower…anything in order to transcend without having to face the negative.
The self-empowerment tools are great when you apply them as supportive tools and not as quick fixes or painkillers to get a relief. Painkillers do not serve the problem but rather push it away.
Pushing away what you feel at the moment is a form of self-neglect…it’s telling to your precious self ‘’I do not have time to listen to you, go away’’…
When we say ‘’go away’’…for days, months or years… when we put a blanket of self-empowerment tools to cover what we are holding inside and refuse to revisit the places, which carry our unresolved emotional charges hoping that they have disappeared, we are pushing away what is ready to be released.
The problem with ‘’negative’’ experiences is our mind judging them as negative…until we judge we put all our focus on ‘’negative’’ neglecting the precious lessons these experiences and feelings are carrying…
Resentment, anger, fear, jealousy, anxiety are showing us where we are still holding back, and teaching us to accept the parts we were afraid to revisit for so long…
So what’s the solution next time you experience something you perceive as ”negative”?
My answer – say thank you…honor it …allow the emotions to be, observe them without judging and apply so much love to self you can barely breath☺…
…when you allow you can see with clarity what your experience is trying to tell you, what it is inviting you to release…
When you give space to all your emotions to be felt …you experience life to the fullest… you integrate back all parts, including the ones you have been pushing away, the ones you dislike…
As you learn to do so, you will be able to release your negative emotions faster and with greater ease …they will not visit you for months, weeks or days, but for hours or maybe even moments…
When you do so you awaken your power within, which is not in pushing away, but in allowing…you see the gift in everything which is unfolding.
When you allow, space will be created for your light to shine brighter, for your great beauty to be uncovered…for miracles to show up.
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