In this new episode with well renown sex & relationships coach Cam Fraser we are going discuss redefining relationships and sexuality.
In today’s world with many options of quick dating apps, free relating, and divorce rates rising is there any hope for committed relationship and why do we need to opt for it at all if, as we hear a lot, love eventually dies, sex becomes a nightmare routine and we end up with tons of requirements coming from our partner and no pleasure in return…☺
In the current model of relationship, it seems that we are over romanticizing love and expecting it to deliver all of our deeply held desires.
We tend to overload our relationships with expectations, hopes, needs.
We believe it’s our partner’s job to fulfill us romantically, spiritually, emotionally, sensually, and sexually.
We forget to nourish all elements required for our relationships to thrive.
It’s becoming evident that this model of relationships does not work.
But it does not have to be this way and we can do much better!
In this episode with Cam Fraser we are going to discuss:
· unhealthy dynamics between masculine and feminine and how to move away from it
· why a relationship can eventually become your freedom harbor
· how to reignite desire in long-term relationships
· three elements that are necessary to make your relationships harmonious, healthy and thriving
· why we need to stop outsourcing our pleasure and take responsibility for our sexual interactions being a pleasurable experience
· how to balance different libido levels in a relationship and how to expand your erotic menu
…and much more
Do not miss this one if you want to learn how to transform your relationships into thriving!

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