It’s all about balance in life…
Ying and Yang, Doing and Being, Masculine and Feminine energy, Giving and Receiving…
In this Episode with Transformation Life coach, Richard Clarke, we are discussing how to create a balance between Giving and Receiving in life.
Your individual growth lies where it feels the most uncomfortable for you…giving or receiving.
Yet, most people we work with are struggling with receiving…
We say we want abundance, we say we crave love…but are we really ready to receive it? Is our internal system open to receive?
It all starts with small things. Watch how you react when somebody offers you a compliment or a cup of coffee…are you open to receiving it, not only mentally but ”bodily”? Does your body constrict or expand?
When we are bad at receiving we can’t give from the place of abundance, instead we can only give from the place of fear, lack, and resentment.
We have been conditioned to believe that we need to work hard to earn what others are trying to give us…abundance, love…so we are blocking receiving.
When we learn to receive we stop sabotaging things that are coming into our lives.

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