You create with your every breath! The question is what…
It’s our inner state, the energy behind every action that creates results.
he truth everyone has experienced in their life is this – when you feel good, good things are happening to you, when you feel off, stressed, overwhelmed, grumpy your external life will reflect it back at you.
In other words, when we are out of alignment, life seems like a constant struggle, we chase, we try to make it happen, but it feels like the forces of the Universe are working against us…
In opposite, when we are in alignment there is a sense of effortless flow, and experience of ease and grace so that we can magnetize more of what we desire…
In this episode, I share with you practical and easy tools you can use on daily basis to release ‘’the low-vibe stuff’’ (heavy emotions, stories, perceptions), raise energy and move into the state of alignment.
For even greater results you can access Embodied Presence Practice I have created for you.
This is an awesome tool, which will allow Connect with the wisdom of your body, release old energies and move into the state of alignment to Manifest more of what you desire in life!

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