In our intimate settings, we normally resort to a habitual way of expressing love, the one that feels the most natural for us. We have our ”go to” habit.
Maybe these are lighter energies of tenderness, devotion or taking care of energy.
Although we fall in love with the ”go to” expression of love our intimate partners are offering us in the beginning, with time it can get less exciting. It is like feeding each other pizza with the same topping over and over again. We, men and women, love the range and have a full range of erotic energies available inside of our bodies. These energies are called Archetypes and each of them brings its unique energy into our unions.
Most of the time we are limiting our capacity to express love in a full spectrum of energies because we think ”it’s not my way, it does not feel natural”. ”Unnatural” does not necessarily mean you do not have it, but rather you have not explored and trained expressing love in some ways yet.
We can always grow as lovers, bring novelty and variety into our intimate settings through exploring erotic archetypes within us and embodying them.
As our devotion to love and sexual gifting.

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