This episode is to support you during this time of uncertainty and bring some light on what is happening at the global level.
The ”reality” we once knew changes form.
There is no guarantee except for the truth that I am the creator and I am responsible for what shows up in my life moment by moment – through the way I speak, think, feel, what perception I choose and what I focus on.
Claiming our power as creators mean that we acknowledge – we are at the source of everything and everything that happens in our lives is in our favor (although if our ego-mind does not agree).
There are so many theories about the virus, I am not here to question any of them…
The one thing is clear – if we are at the source of all creations we must have manifested this ”darkness” – not intentionally, not consciously but as a direct response to the layers of unconscious programs and dark energies we have been operating from – repressed traumas, frozen fears, stories of separation, hatred, scarcity…
And this our opportunity, our wake-up call to transmute them into the Light and Rise Together.
This is our grandest opportunity to do the shadow work and choose consciousness & energy we want to operate from going forward.
Because Consciousness + Energy is all that is…The Universe is a perfect marriage of Consciousness (Masculine) & Energy (Feminine)…We are Consciousness + Energy.
The quality of our lives is the ”quality” of the consciousness we operate from – Victim or Creator & the ”quality” of energy we bring – Love or Fear.
The New Earth is emerging and to thrive in this new reality we get to cleanse low vibration frequencies we have been operating from – shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pride…
This is our invitation to awaken to who we truly are, to our divinity. We are creatures of light energy. Embodying the energy of who we are will liberate us from the fearful mind and stories it creates.
It’s our invitation to expand and claim back our power as creators.
- All the resources I mention you can find at

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