Ep. 41 Sovereignty as a foundation of self-mastery & thriving relationships

For this episode, I have invited a special guest, William Apple, Self-Mastery Coach & Mentor.

In this episode with William, we are discussing the subject of Sovereignty as a foundation of Self-Mastery and thriving interdependent relationships.

This episode is full of gold!!!

Most of the time we live with our attention constantly being outwards. Our Mind is scanning the environment we live in for the threats, we are trying to fix the external world, manipulate and change people so that we can feel better and safe; we are projecting our wounds on others.

We don’t have a strong sense of self and try to find it through how the external world relates to us.

It leaves us feeling empty, disconnected, and never able to get ahead of the game.

When we reclaim our Sovereignty we ”return” back home to our core and experience who we truly are – Master Creators of our lives.

We understand that nobody and nothing out there is responsible for our well-being, safety, and feeling good because we are the creators, we are the wholeness that we seek. We are responsible for what shows up in our world moment by moment. We do not need validation or permission to be who we are.

Sovereignty is a foundation of interdependent thriving relationships.

When two individuals are in the state of sovereignty and form an interdependent relationship it becomes about gifts exchanging with no attachment, no blame, shame, judgment, and projection of our wounds over the other person.


You can connect with William Apple on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/will.apple.12

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