In this episode, we will explore how to work with trapped emotions and heal our traumaWe are designed to live as an open vessel – allowing experiences to pass through us and the emotions to be felt, processed, and released.
All emotions are created equal, they are just energies of different frequencies.
The problem is not an intense or difficult emotion we might experience.
The problem starts when instead of feeling, expressing & moving an emotion through the body at the time of a traumatic event we bottle it down inside of our system and it turns into a trapped emotion (or stuck energy).
There are multiple reasons why we didn’t release an emotional charge at the time an upsetting event happened – maybe we didn’t have resources to process, we didn’t know how, or support was not available or we were not encouraged to express what we felt by our caregivers.
Unprocessed emotions become unfinished energy patterns that deeply inform our living experience. We look at the external world through the lenses of our trauma and project what we feel onto it.
So, the external world appears as unsafe, people not trustable, love not lasting…
The only way to find freedom from the past and expand our capacity to receive the fullness of life – is to heal trauma and release trapped emotions.
Healing requires time, space, grace, and to feel fully seen.
There are subtleties to the healing and emotional release process I share in this episode.
If you are ready to go deeper into your journey of liberation and expanding capacity to receive the fullness of life, I am here to support you.
Currently, I have an open 1-on-1 spot. Send me a DM and I will give you more details.
The Awakened Lover group container program is coming later this year. DM to join Waitlist.

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