Synchronicities. We attract what we need the most.

Synchronicities…Why do we pick up certain books, choose to listen to certain podcasts, have an urge to go to a certain café, call a certain friend, choose one seat in the conference room over another, are drawn to talk to a certain person during a social event? I am not talking about situations when you are searching for a very specific topic on the web, like ‘’how to download video on Youtube’’, but rather when you come across a certain book, video, and podcast or when you feel like going to a different than usual café to get your daily dose of caffeine.


Recently I have noticed that the majority of my choices are based on and experiences are drawn to me by the higher intelligence rather than my own intention.


All the books that I have picked up to read, all the videos I have found on the social media, all the podcasts I have been advised to listen to or received on my mailbox came at the exact moment I needed them the most. This was the content I was ready for. All the coaches I had a pleasure to work with, online webinars and workshops I attended appeared at the moment when I was ready and was in need for the next level of ‘’upgrade’’. Even when I had a very small idea what the workshop will bring me I have opted for it because I had this inner guidance, internal voice, calling to go for it.


Everything is coming into our life for a reason. Not only that, today I feel like we call every experience and every person into our life to show us something and to give us an opportunity to evolve and grow.


There is an interesting research made by Benjamin Libet, a scientist in the field of human consciousness. According to the research, the brain tells us what to do before we consciously choose to do so. The surge of brain activity takes place before a person has conscious intention. Intention comes from the unconscious and then enters conscious awareness. What does it mean is our choices are coming from unconscious mind and then we take ownership of them. Unconscious intention to act cannot be controlled consciously; only our final decision can be consciously controlled.


If we find a book that looks interesting to us and we want to buy it or if we have an urge to go have a lunch at a place we do not normally go, it seems to us like our conscious decision. In reality, our brain is sending a signal to make this action and then our conscious mind responds. Of course, we can choose not to do it, it’s where our free will come into place, but we cannot control the initial signal to make an action.


People we are attracting into our lives are there for a reason. They play different roles in our lives: some appear to support us when we need it the most, some to inspire us to make an action we have been postponing for so long. But the most valuable experiences are with people who are drawn into our lives to help us complete what is still incomplete within us.

Those are sometimes our most difficult relationships (not necessarily romantic ones), those are our heartbreaks, those are people who point at something within us we want to hide or forget.

Those are people who are pulling in us our unreleased negative emotions from the past, unhealed wounds. People only trigger in us what we still can’t accept and love about ourselves. Otherwise, this can’t be part of your life experience. These relationships, these connections give us an opportunity to learn the lesson and grow. To love the parts of us that still need to be loved, to go inside and release stored negative emotions and wounds. You will stop attracting certain experiences and relationships when you will heal the parts of you that once needed them.

Unfortunately, we often refuse to recognize the lesson and same experience, same relationship patterns keep on showing up in our lives.


Who is ‘’arranging’’ all those synchronicities? It’s up to you what you believe in – higher intelligence, Universe, life, God. But this higher intelligence never makes mistakes.


I am offering you to pay closer attention to all your life experiences. The teacher arrives when the student is ready. The teacher arrives when the student needs him the most.


Your every experience is your greatest gift if you choose to see it.

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