Returning to light

Whether you are into personal development work or not moments come when we all question ‘’haven’t I dealt with this kind of situation, the same fears, doubts, and triggers already?


We all have shadows…dark sides of who we are we have not owned and accepted….


Shadows are energies, which are not integrated with our whole being, the parts we do not want to face and hope they will disappear on their own. Shadows are our fears, unresolved emotional blockages, self-limiting beliefs …everything we judge as ‘’bad’’ sides of who we think we are. Coming from as early as your very young age they keep on stealing our life force and unconsciously create the same life scenarios over and over again…


We are afraid of facing them because we are afraid of discomfort and pain…but until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate (as Carl Jung told)


The process of working with your shadows can be described as Face-Accept-Integrate and Turn into light



Access the parts of self that keep on being triggered. There is no need to understand ‘’why’’. It does not matter how many times you dealt with them. Be patient and compassionate with self. Open them up, welcome them to the surface, and become intimate with them…Bring to the surface patterns and beliefs that are not serving you.


Make peace with your experience as a human. It ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to feel anger, sadness, jealousy… but if you will keep on hiding from your shadows, they will not go away but will create more layers between who you think you are and your true self…


Facing and Accepting might seem harder than it really is. As soon as you do the process you realize that fears, pain…shadows are messengers that our healing is ready to break through


Integrate and Turn into light

Until you keep on living in the space between your two selves (created by not accepting your shadows) you will experience perpetual discomfort. After you face and accept what you have been running away from, after you integrate all pieces back you can come into alignment with your true nature.


Does it mean you will not be triggered ever again in your life, and your shadows will never come back again…


NoJ …you are human and you are here to experience all kind of things (otherwise you will be bored:))…but when you face your shadows they will come less and as soon as you accept them you will have a wonderful tool – AWARENESS and CHOICE.


You will achieve a higher level of awareness about patterns of beliefs and behaviors that are not serving you any longer and stealing joy, peace, and love from your life.


And you will have a CHOICE whether to you are coming back or move forward to your light, to your beautiful self


Every experience you face you have a choice to be driven by your ego frequency (fears, struggle) or the frequency of your higher self (love, ease, and joy)…

This CHOICE will determine what shows up in your life…your every word, your thoughts, the way you connect and interact with others, the way you see the world will be dependent on this CHOICE.

It’s as simple as that…


Science, spiritually, philosophy is confirming today that you are a being of energy. The energy you broadcast into the world comes back. And what you broadcast is YOUR CHOICE…




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