Embodied Presence Practice

Breathing technique + Meditation

Connect with the wisdom of your body, release old energies and move into the state of alignment to Manifest more of what you desire in life!

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Why Embodied Presence practice?

Most of the time we live disconnected.

Mind goes one direction, body another, breath yet another.

We are disconnected from ourselves, disconnected from the life around us.

We identify ourselves with our mind, which is looking around and trying to figure out how to survive, how to feel safe, how to fit in, how to do right things. Our attention is constantly outwards.

When Mind is disconnected from our body it is fear based. It is trying to drive the show but it can’t solve whatever we are going through on its own. We get stuck in poverty, lack, unhealthy relationships patterns, we are unable to manifest what we desire, we do not feel safe.

All the strategies we apply to fix the external world are our addiction to avoid connecting with our inner world, our inner child.

We keep on running from those parts of selves that are craving our attention, craving to be seen and held by us.

Embodied Presence Practice will help you reconnect with the wisdom of your body, restore mind-body connection so that they can start operating in coherence. It's a tool to release stuck energies that keep on attracting the same patterns in your life, rewire and bring your internal system in the state of alignment to manifest more of what you desire in life.


Take a deep Breath...Relax...Release

Embodied Presence Practice is both Central Channel Breathing technique and Mediation.

Breath is Life...Breath is presence...Breath is healing...

Through Breath Mind connects with the Body.

When we do not breath properly Mind goes into survival mode. We react, we defence.

Deep breath moves Mind from survival into creative mode and calms down nervous system of the body.

Breath is spirit in physical form, vital life form!



This practice will allow you:

  • Reconnect to self, wisdom of your body, healing power of your breath
  • Release stuck emotions and restore energy flow
  • Release anxiety and move to the state of peaceful presence
  • Quite excessive Mind chatter
  • Move into the state of alignment to manifest what you desire

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Embodied presence practice is your tool to navigate challenges with ease and grace