Ep. 48 Emotional Alchemy & Healing Trauma
In this episode, we will explore how to work with trapped emotions and heal our traumaWe are designed to live as an open vessel – allowing experiences to pass through us and the emotions to be felt, processed, and released. All emotions are created equal, they are just energies of different frequencies. The problem is…
Ep. 47 How to Release Trapped Emotions with Tony Bryce Scott
In this episode, with my special guest Tony Bryce Scott, we talk about Trapped Emotions and the tremendous impact they have on the quality of our lives – our health, well-being, relationships, our ability to love, connect, our productivity…etc. Tony is a pain magician who is using the Emotional Code method to help his clients…
Ep. 46 The Journey from Wounded to Healthy Masculine
I am honored to have Joe in this episode and discuss the topic of Masculinity, Relationships, and Intimacy. In this episode, we talk about ”The Journey from Wounded to Healthy Masculine” – wounded masculine traits, what is needed for creating more meaningful connection and fulfilling sexual intimacy, how we can support the men in our…
Ep. 45 Difference between Male & Female Sexuality
In this episode, I will discuss the difference between Male and Female Sexuality and what causes frustration when it comes to lovemaking. I will give you some practical tools on how to become an ecstatic lover for your partner and create a deeper level of sexual intimacy and connection. Share the Knowledge:
Ep. 44 Release the old to align with your next level of expansion

There is a saying ”your new life will cost you the old one”. There are periods in our lives when we will be initiated to face and release our oldest fears, unconscious programs, and stuck energies that are on the way to rise to the next level of our expansion. It might feel like an…
Ep.43 How to become an Ecstatic Lover

Through Sexual Intimacy, we are capable of evoking the best parts from each other. Yet, very often we don’t know how to show up as a fierce ecstatic lover for each other because we are afraid to communicate what we crave sexually, we can’t read each other mind and we end up building resentment of…
Ep.42 How to find perfection in your every experience

”Everything that is in front of you is perfect.” When I heard this phrase for the first time lots of resistance showed up. How heartbreak, loss, or disease can be perfect??? Until I have started seeing what is it all about – why we are choosing certain experiences (at a soul level) and the bigger…
Ep. 41 Sovereignty as a foundation of self-mastery & thriving relationships

For this episode, I have invited a special guest, William Apple, Self-Mastery Coach & Mentor. In this episode with William, we are discussing the subject of Sovereignty as a foundation of Self-Mastery and thriving interdependent relationships. This episode is full of gold!!! Most of the time we live with our attention constantly being outwards. Our…
Ep.40 The deeper learning during and after lockdown time

For this episode, I have invited a special guest, Richard Clarke, a Transformational life coach & mentor. In this episode, we are discussing the interesting times we have been facing during the lockdown – what we have learned during and after, the discomfort we went through and the light (deeper meaning) we have unlocked on…
Ep.39 We want to be loved unconditionally while carrying a bag full of conditions

We want to be loved as we are, without any conditions. Yet, we are programmed to set conditions on how we love ourselves and others. ”If” and ”when” and what comes after – are all the possible ways we set conditions on loving selves and others. What does it mean to love unconditionally, all the…