Embodied Practice to Release Fear, Anxiety & Other Emotions

Why I offer You this gift...

In order to release fear, anxiety or any other emotion we label as ‘’negative’’ we need to move them through the body – face them, feel them, shake them, breathe through them.

Convincing yourself ‘’I am not afraid’’ while every cell of your body vibrates as fear does not help, it will only intensify the feeling of fear which is screaming for your attention.

Fear, like any other emotion, is a natural response of our body. We are here to feel everything.

Our body is a channel through which energy (emotion = energy in motion) is designed to flow freely.

All emotions are just energies of different frequencies, all serve a unique role in Universal energy pulse…

Fear like any other ‘’negative’’ emotion is heavier energy with a lower vibration.

The problem is not ‘a ’negative’’ emotion,  but our unhealthy relationship with it…

Unhealthy relationship takes place when instead of allowing fear to move through our body and get released we ‘’freeze’’ it inside.

Your every attempt to overcome, numb, judge fear does not allow it to move freely through the body and it gets stuck…

When emotions get stuck in your body they disturb the free flow of energy and that causes disease and unease…

Instead of that, we can create a healthy relationship with our emotions – let them move through our body using embodied practices - breath through, shake through, feel through – what will allow returning back to the state of neutrality, peace, and joy.

This Practice will help you to do though!

This practice will include:

  • Intuitive movement to open up emotion
  • Shake off emotion from your body
  • Breathing through sensation
  • Generating energy of love

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