How to make friends with your own mind

Episode highlights:

  • How to stop all those thoughts passing through my mind daily? We think on average between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts during the day and probably you have noticed that the majority of those thoughts are useless, unimportant or stressful.
  • If you can change your thoughts you can change your life. The question is how to change those thoughts?
  • The more you force to shut up your mind or stop thinking particular thoughts the more they will want to claim their power to exist. What you resist will only persist.
  • We might have misunderstood ‘’stop thinking’’ or ‘’thinking less’’ concepts. It took many years of evolution to develop your mind to what it can do today. Why do we want to shut it up?
  • The secret is not in forcing ourselves stop thinking particular thoughts, but to stop associating ourselves with those thoughts. We are not our thoughts. Make a distance between you and your thoughts. The more you do that, the less power your thoughts will have on you
  • Important to remember that the mind is only a tiny part of our internal operating system. Our feelings, emotions, body sensations, energy blocks, cellular memory are much stronger in impacting our lives and creating our reality. Until we align all parts of our internal operating system positive thinking will do very little.
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