Personal Transformation, what is behind these sexy words : are you a Victim of your Subconscious programs?

No matter what I do it often seems like I keep on recreating the same patterns – in career, business, health, relationships. It feels like I take one step forward, but then invisible forces pull me two steps backward to my old habits and worn out ways of being…

Does it sound familiar to you?

Maybe you have read some self-help books, watched youtube videos, even attendedĀ personal development seminars, but somehow it does not bring long-lasting, sustainable results.

The invisible forces that are pulling you back are your subconscious beliefs & programs.

There is a huge area of things we don’t know we don’t know, which end up running our lives; subconscious programs are in this area. They are blind spots we often have no idea we have, but they are responsible for 95% of the outcomes until we bring them to our conscious awareness.

If you have noticed a certain patternĀ in any area of your life, which is repeating itself, pay close attention. There might be an unseen, default program which is running this area.

In the second part of ”Personal Transformation, what is behind these sexy words” Podcast my guest, Richard, is sharing his unique experience of uncovering & reprogramming his unconscious programs.


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