Who you truly are…

You came to this world to awaken to your great power…your infinite potential… The only thing, which is required is to remember who you truly are… But who you truly are? My answer is you are All Things… We often perceive that being powerful means to train our intellectual and emotional…
Acceptance and learning from the contrast

No matter how much inner work we have done there are days when we wake up and feel ‘’out of balance’’, days when we got triggered by others and events, moments when it feels like we are experiencing the same old. We often can’t even find a reason ‘’why’’ without looking deeper. What I…
Getting ready is overrated

Are you dreaming about starting a new passion-driven project, writing a book, changing career, launching a business? You feel you are ready to start but invisible forces keep on holding you in ”getting ready” mode? Well, there are no invisible forces, except the ones you keep on creating yourself. Many of them are not even…
Entrepreneurial journey with Julie McGann

Julie is an owner of Unicorn & Co, a company which mission is to bring wellness to the organizations and re-design the way they work to make employees feel happy, healthy and more human. Julie is sharing her journey from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur, which was following her heart’s desire. Wherever you are…
How to make friends with your own mind

Episode highlights: How to stop all those thoughts passing through my mind daily? We think on average between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts during the day and probably you have noticed that the majority of those thoughts are useless, unimportant or stressful. If you can change your thoughts you can change your life. The question is…
Instead of keeping on learning the same lesson re-write your script

In this episode, I am sharing my message around the script (our beliefs, programs, and unconscious commitments) we write and embody from the very early age. This script is running our entire lives until we choose to see them. This script keeps on attracting same experiences, the same relationships with others. The people who show up…
Authenticity or Do you believe what you are preaching

Authenticity… How many times you have heard that you need to be authentic to win the game of ‘’being you’’? Do we really understand what authenticity means? I was and I am still struggling sometimes with it….It’s a strong word but do we actually live it? Going out there and trying to repeat…
Why we are obsessed with changing others?

Episode Highlights: Relationships are mirrors that can serve to show us things about ourselves that can be realized in no other way. What you see in another and don’t like most probably exists in you in some form Growth partnerships are our most challenging relationships. They help us bring to the surface our own incomplete…
Why do we keep on reliving same relationships patterns?

Episode highlights: We unconsciously gravitate towards partners that we find familiar, who cause us to feel the same type of emotions. Subconsciously somebody who will appear to be outside of our ‘’type’’ we will find unattractive. It’s becoming our subconscious habit. ‘’Good guy’’ or ‘’Good girl’’ might be not that boring at the end:) …
The truth is only yours

What is the story that is currently running your life? I am not good enough, not talented enough to go after my dreams. I am afraid to be judged and rejected. Life has to be this way. We are here to struggle. My current situation is never going to change. I can’t be loved. It’s…