My journey of self-love

Self-love…Nowadays it sounds like a cliché. Many people get frustrated when they hear advice ‘’you first need to love self ’’…what does it even mean and where do you begin ’’to learn to love yourself’’? Yet, everything comes back to self-love… What we attract and manifest reflect our level of self-worth, self-love, and self-appreciation…in ALL…
Awakening through Sexuality

Nowadays many of us still consider Sexuality a taboo topic in some parts, although sexual energy is the most powerful life force energy. Sexuality is our source of aliveness, joy, and creativity. When we reconnect with our sexual energy we can heal and release our traumas and manifest miracles! In this podcast with Paul Hanrieder…
Exploring Sensuality and Sexuality

We are born to be sensual and sexual and to express our sensuality and sexuality. Sexuality is fundamental human energy within us that has a relationship to our creativity, drive, connectedness to others and self. Unfortunately, there is still lots of shame around this subject. Many of us avoid getting in touch, exploring, expressing their…
Personal Transformation, what is behind these sexy words : are you a Victim of your Subconscious programs?

No matter what I do it often seems like I keep on recreating the same patterns – in career, business, health, relationships. It feels like I take one step forward, but then invisible forces pull me two steps backward to my old habits and worn out ways of being… Does it sound familiar to you?…
Personal transformation, what is behind this sexy word?

What is really personal transformation? What stands behind these sexy and trendy words? Every human being is looking after improving the quality of his life in one way or another. The only way to get there is going inside and uncovering what is on the way because the external world is just the reflection of…
Hacking your beliefs

Everything that you see in the external world is a product of your beliefs and programs. The results you have created in any area of your life are the effect, snapshots of your state of consciousness. Many of our beliefs are created at the early age, but we keep on carrying them through…
How to transform your fears

Fear, feeling of anxiety, tension, worry…sometimes these emotions can be so overwhelming. They often arise from nowhere, prevent us from breathing deeply, they paralyze us or they block our way to get closer to what we desire. What if instead of ignoring, distracting, overcoming or running away from, we can see our fears as our friends?…
Getting ready is overrated

Are you dreaming about starting a new passion-driven project, writing a book, changing career, launching a business? You feel you are ready to start but invisible forces keep on holding you in ”getting ready” mode? Well, there are no invisible forces, except the ones you keep on creating yourself. Many of them are not even…
Entrepreneurial journey with Julie McGann

Julie is an owner of Unicorn & Co, a company which mission is to bring wellness to the organizations and re-design the way they work to make employees feel happy, healthy and more human. Julie is sharing her journey from being an employee to becoming an entrepreneur, which was following her heart’s desire. Wherever you are…
How to make friends with your own mind

Episode highlights: How to stop all those thoughts passing through my mind daily? We think on average between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts during the day and probably you have noticed that the majority of those thoughts are useless, unimportant or stressful. If you can change your thoughts you can change your life. The question is…